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商品網址如下:AQUILA 37C 古典吉他套弦
- 手感聲音都十分滑順輕柔好聽
- BIONYLON 百分之67-70?環保材質
- 可以有效減少50?碳排放量
PERLA strings - Traditional set presenting high overall levels of performance.The treble strings are made of BionylonR, the new eco-friendly synthetic material. These strings are made of rounded, smooth BionylonR monofilaments - a new material that boasts excellent acoustic and mechanical properties. BionylonR is, for its 67-70? a plant’s derivate (castor oil); this allows a reduction of the 50f carbon dioxide’s emissions in the atmosphere during the polymer-synthesis than the other common Nylons employed for musical strings. The basses, overspun with silver-plated copper, consist of a core of NEW NYLGUT multfilament that ensures not only a high resistance to tensile stress but also a low absorption of both atmospheric humidity and sweat. This makes for rapid and stable intonation, as well as greater durability. Suitable for the highest quality guitars. |
The new synthetic material New NylgutR ('synthetic gut') has the same acoustic properties as gut - but without its typical defects - (high cost, limited duration and high instability under varying climatic). Nylgut has precisely these qualities: allowing one, on the one hand, to rediscover the sonorities familiar to the great 19th and 20th century masters; and guaranteeing, on the other, a stability of tuning higher even than that of the best gut and nylon strings. |
?Normal Tension
?Trebles: BionylonR
?Basses: New NYLGUT multifilament core/ Silver-plated wound
AQUILA 37C 古典吉他套弦
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「終於做完了,妳很棒!」、「你也很棒,按個讚!晚安」這是北市明星高中2名男女學生平時討論功課後的LINE對話內容,沒想到男學生保管不慎,被班上同學取用並斷章取義後,登上畢業紀念冊;除引人遐想的對話外,還放上女學生的小名與圖像,女學生與家長輾轉得知後氣到爆,找了律師處理。這所明星高中擔心事端擴大,全面回收印製完成的900多本畢業紀念冊,處理後再發還畢業班學生。女學生及家長 氣壞了if (typeof(ONEAD) !== "undefined"){ONEAD.cmd = ONEAD.cmd || [];ONEAD.cmd.push(function(){ONEAD_slot('div-inread-ad', 'inread');});} 知情人士指出,LINE對話內容其實是男女學生平時討論功課、解題後的相互感謝的對話內容,卻被男學生同學擅自取用後登上了畢業紀念冊上。女學生家長獲知後極度不悅,找律師處理,律師認為可能涉及「妨害名譽」。這所明星高中了解問題的嚴重性後,立刻斷然處置,全面回收今年學校印製完成的畢業紀念冊,至今已回收700多本,還在陸續回收。這所明星高中校長表示,以如此大規模回收畢業紀念冊來表達對女學生的歉意,還有200多份將再努力回收,但他也知道全數回收是不可能的任務。同學捉弄 玩笑開大了他表示,為平息事端,這位男學生班上的2名畢業紀念冊編輯及這位男學生共3人,同向女學生與家長寫下書面道歉聲明,女學生家長承諾不追究對男學生可能面臨的法律責任。明星高中校長表示,其實,這位男學生本身也是受害者,並不是男學生主動出示與女學生LINE對話內容,只是這段對話讓同學看到,被其他同學拿來捉弄,並被取用刊登在畢業紀念冊上,而這名當事男學生要負起資訊保管不慎的責任。涉妨害名譽 回收致歉一位明星高中學務主任表示,畢業紀念冊的編輯與印製在「沒有違反善良風俗」的情況下,一般都會尊重學生創意的發揮,在畢業紀念冊編輯前籌備會中,會告知同學畢業紀念冊是公開刊物,內容要注意用語且不得侵犯他人隱私。也有高中指出,畢業紀念冊是校友後與母校聯繫性最強的物件,學校規定,各班導師先看,廠商會與學生一起討論文案與美編,要求廠商看到不妥圖片與字眼要通報校方,學生有時好玩,惡作劇不知輕重,衍生法律問題。93653AD482BB5FFC